Middlesex Golf's transformation
New web site powered by nooQ Golf & Golf Genius
Our key challenge was to find a reliable partner to deliver a site that provided seamless integration with Golf Genius as well as features we wanted on the news and social media side of the site. With one full time staff member and a small number of volunteers, ensuring validity of the site content was a constant challenge.
The project ran very smoothly. NooQ also moved all of the content from our old site which we were then able to update as required. Graeme was very easy to work with and the whole project was a real success from our perspective, delivering a modern and attractive site in a short timescale.
How was the project?
The project ran very smoothly. nooQ created a simple task list with associated responsibilities, and the site came together very quickly. nooQ also exported much of the content from our old site which we were then able to update as required.
We were very happy with nooQ’s approach and their understanding that as volunteers we were not always able to complete tasks immediately. Graeme was very easy to work with and the whole project was a real success from our perspective, delivering a modern and attractive site in a short timescale.
What’s been the difference ?
The integration of Golf Genius is the key improvement. We now have everything where we want it and site visitors can find what they want within a couple of clicks. We are focussing on engaging social media posts that drive people to answer questions, find out past winners and engage more on the web site.
The site is also visually more attractive. Posts look much better and we have numerous options for presenting images and videos etc. This has resulted in visitors viewing more pages, which is positive and encourages us to publish more news articles.
Our experience so far is that ongoing change requests and queries are responded to in a much quicker timescale.
Changed the structure and information flow to focus on County Club golfer needs
- Show in 1-2 clicks – Key Visitors and Purpose of Visit
- County Player (Show me – events, schedule, news and results)
- County Official (Show me – Manage events, Update news, auto publish on social media)
- General County Information (Show me – county history, official documents, member clubs, county card)
- Parent / Planner/ Check Rules (Show me – Schedule, Directions, Key Contacts, Policies & Rules)
- Fully new modern design, using stunning free images and videos
- Latest diary, upcoming events, sync to phone/laptop diary, enter event
- Full Golf Genius Section & Integration
- Leader board, Event List, Register – Displays live leader board or countdown to next event
- Member Clubs
- stunning video and images with directions and contact details
- (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Tiktok) – all integrated on website.
- Social Feeds
- Publish once on website, auto publish on 15 social networks
- Diary to share automatically share posts in future by date and by social network
- In depth Analytics
- Now Middlesex can see in-depth Google Analytics for who is looking at what on the web-site
Celebrating Stories from History
- Nine clubs have historic images from early 1900s
- Club history, early architecture diagrams, plans and stories of clubs founders and historic professional achievements
- Fascinating history and images including former Open champions, famous artists, authors, past prime ministers and golf course architects.

- Visitors now spending 4:03 Average
- Nine times increase in time on site from 0:25s to 4:03
- Page Views per user 3x increase from 1.5 to 4.69
- Consistent time spent on site 3-4 minutes per visit, whether on mobile, desktop & tablet meaning site works on all devices
- 495 news items, 1800+ files/images and 6 email accounts migrated with zero data loss
100% recommend. We have a far more professional image and easier to update web site.